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Bringing Computer Literacy
in Rural Areas

Rural Kenya is home to 68.9 percent of the Kenyan population with the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands alone occupying almost 80 percent of the total landmass. One of the greatest barriers to internet penetration in rural Kenya is digital illiteracy. 

It's so unfortunate that many students who come from the rural areas were not able to sit for their exams online during the Covid 19 institutions lockdown due to digital illiteracy and inaccessibility to internet. 

For such a reason Youth Promise Centre Kenya has begun outreach programs where we set up training camps in the identified areas to upskill many of our young people through digital literacy. We have seen the program attract huge numbers as many benefits and gain exposure in the world of technology.

Poverty in Kenya is largely a rural phenomenon. Over the last two decades, rural poverty has deepened, as agricultural production stagnated and the rural population increased by more than 2 percent per year. Youth Promise Centre - Kenya has been working with local communities to reverse this trend by organizing training sessions for the youths. So far we have been able to train a large group of beneficiaries both on onsite and offsite.

Through the imparted skills many youths have been able to begin sustainable projects that provides them with income in return. We are looking forward to reach out to more even this year.


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Call Us: +1-856-382-1858/ +254 758 527 915 


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